Frequently asked

Have questions? We have answers!

We’ll email you a tracking link after your order has been shipped.

Follow this link to check the status of your order. We can also send you notifications about any important updates regarding your order – just make sure you’ve opted into notifications.

Changed your mind, or gave the wrong address at checkout? No worries, we’ve all done it. As long as your order hasn’t processed or shipped, you can make changes to it.

Contact us to make changes in your order.

Canceling your order is the last thing we want to do but some situations come up where cancellation is the best option to save you time and money. If your order is canceled, you won’t be charged. Find more information about auth holds. The most common reasons an order might be canceled are: We will send you an email if any part of your order is canceled or if we need more information to process your order.

We have Delivery all over GCC. All the postcode in your country will work for Delivery.

You can change your address after placing an order only if you meet all 5 criteria:

  • Not arranged shipment for your order.
  • You have not made payment or payment has not been confirmed.
  • You have not requested a change of address for the order before. Delivery address can only be changed once for each order.
  • New address does not incur higher shipping fee.

If you meet all the above criteria, you may proceed to change your delivery address. 

If you need any further assistance which you could not find in our website, please feel free to contact us.

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